Any updates related to this ludo gaming app would be posted in the app or would be notified to the users.

Yes, through this gaming application, the participants can participate in the contest which is held regularly from 7 to 10 pm and win exciting prizes.

In case of any queries/concerns, you can reach out to our support team by dropping us an email at [email address] and we will get back to you at the earliest possible.

The dice roll is generated randomly by the computer and we do not have any sort of control/interference in this matter whatsoever. We ensure that a fair gaming experience is offered to our users and hence we do not make any manipulations with the dice roll.

The application is designed specifically to play through the mobile phones and offers the best gaming experience through this device.

There are no such limitations, around 100 players can play (1 vs 1) game throughout the contest duration. Separate boards are created for each set of players and the highest scores and later on viewed.

The game is designed using softwares in such a way that it is flexible for all the versions of both Android and iOS.

This game needs both luck as well as skills. When your dice rolls six that is when you can make a move . This makes luck take control of this game as skill level is required only on moves which are not in your hands. On the other hand, the dice throw decides your moves during most parts of the game.

You can get all the up-to-date information about the application by visiting our website [website link]. You can also follow us on our social media platforms for future updates. In case of any complaint or query, you can fill the contact us form and get in touch with us.