We took your love for LUDO and gave it an interesting spin! Now you can have some amazing gaming experience with your loved ones, family or friends during leisure time. You can also make this LUDO game a part of your fun activity during the office coffee breaks or during your long journey.

This online game comes with a strategic board game for a specified number of players, in which the players race their pawns from the start point to the home point by virtually rolling the dice. This game offers you the option to play in a batch of - two players, three players, four players, five players or six players. At the initial stage of the game, each of the players are staged in the player’s yard and can eventually enter into play from these yards. The player who moves all the pawns in the home eventually wins the game.

What makes this game all the more special is - Voice Chat option that allows you to communicate with other players while playing the game, Multiplayer option that allows you to add your friends/family or anyone during the game, New Exciting themes that helps you enjoy the gaming experience in different visuals/audios and lastly, Team Up mode which helps you to form teams and play with each other.

So what are you thinking of? Simply participate, compete and have some fun during your breaks!